PlugIn Development:GameEx MAME Update

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Revision as of 11:29, 27 April 2014 by Adultery (talk | contribs)
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This enumeration sets the type of MAME List Update currently being processed for the MAME List Update function.

PLEASE NOTE: This enumeration is not part of the official GameEx plugin syntax, but can be easily added to the existing code before the MCE enumerations.


Below is a reference of the Variable Name and [Value] set in this enumeration:

Update_Start [0] : Specifies the start of the Update MAME List process.
Update_End [1] : Specifies the completeion of the Update MAME List process.

Code Examples


Public Enum MAME_Update
     Update_Start = 0
     Update_End = 1
End Enum


public enum MAME_Update
     Update_Start = 0,
     Update_End = 1,