PlugIn Development:GameEx Input Joystick Function

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This function is called when you press a button on the joystick.

PLEASE NOTE: This function only fires when the GameEx UI is visible.


Buttons() [boolean]: An array of buttons that denote the state of the buttons on the joystick.

Perameter Values

For each item in the array, a parameter of true means that the position button is currently pressed in that instance of the array.
So, if Array[0] = true then Joystick Button 0 is pressed, and so on.


This function returns a boolean value.

Return Values

Return true and GameEx will process the joystick button press.
Return false and GameEx will not process the joystick button press.

Code Examples


Public Function Input_Joystick(ByVal Buttons() As Boolean) As Boolean
     Return True
End Function


public bool Input_Joystick(bool[] Buttons)
     return true;