PlugIn Development:GameEx PlugIn Info

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Revision as of 05:51, 27 April 2014 by Adultery (talk | contribs)
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You would set your PlugIn variables here, and they will be exposed to GameEx. You can set the version number of your plugin, author name, app name, and many other variables.

PLEASE NOTE: Although you can change the PluginVersion to 1.40, you will lose a few variables. The 1.40 is only for legacy, and should not be used (stick with 1.41).
Also, as of version 1.41, only PlugInType.Emulator is supported by the application.

Variable Details

Below is a reference of the Variable Name and [Data Type] available in this structure:

Name [string] : The name of your plugin as it will appear in the PlugIn Manager.
Version [string] : The version of your plugin as it will appear in the PlugIn Manager.
Author [string] : Your name as it will appear in the PlugIn Manager.
Description [string] : A breif description of the plugin as it will appear in the PlugIn Manager.
PlugInType [Plugin_Type] : The type of plugin you are creating. •NOTE• Only PlugInType.Emulator is supported at this time!
PlugInVersion [string] : The version of the PlugIn Framework you are targeting. •NOTE• 1.40 is intended for legacy mode only! Use 1.41 to gain access to all available variables!

Code Examples


Public Structure PluginInfo
    Public Const Name As String = "My Cool Plugin"
    Public Const Version As String = "1.0.0"
    Public Const Author As String = "Adultery"
    Public Const Description As String = "Does some cool stuff to GameEx!"
    Public Const PluginType As Plugin_Type = Plugin_Type.Emulator
    Public Const PluginVersion As String = "1.41"
End Structure


public struct PluginInfo
     public const string Name = "My Cool Plugin";
     public const string Version = "1.0.0";
     public const string Author = "Adultery";
     public const string Description = "Does some cool stuff to GameEx!";
     public const Plugin_Type PluginType = Plugin_Type.Emulator;
     public const string PluginVersion = "1.41";